The Terrible Duo

 What in the world are the Republicans drinking? You can not tell me that their line in the sand is the continued manipulation of the tax dollars by Billionaire corporations and the richest 1%. How in the world can you have a talk about deficit without revenue. Did Newt and Mitch go into a deep slumber during the President Bill Clinton years. Where their panties up their butts so tight that they missed one of the most ( If not the best!) deficit reducing years in American History. The Tax increases that Bill Clinton initiated not only reduced the deficit, and brought in 241 Billion in five years. It took both cutting of wasteful spending and revenues to turn the country around.

Now President Obama comes to the table with the Revenue and the Republicans come to the table with the Reductions, and now we have what we need to turn the country around.

I for one feel that the Holy Grail of the Democratic party – The Incredible FDR New Deal initiatives after the Great Depression should not be touched! Economists around the nation agree that Social Security is not a problem and only needs to be funded to last to the next couple generations. So I strongly disagree on putting it up as an offering to the republicans!

Do not cave in on this one.. we need the revenue and the cost cutting measures to turn the country around. For once, let both parties work together for the good of the country and not the good of their and their constituents pocket books!

Derrick Butler is Founder of My Dream Alive find out more at

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